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Do you know what causes your skin to age too fast?


Have you noticed the first wrinkles on your face? Is your skin all of a sudden less tight and firm? Even though much depends on genetics, rapid aging also depends on one's lifestyle. Here are some of the main culprits of wrinkles that should be avoided in order to maintain a youthful appearance and to prevent wrinkles.


Not only it's harmful for your lungs but also for your skin. If you smoke or often stay in areas, where others smoke, your skin is much more likely to become dry and this will increase the formation of new wrinkles. In addition, smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C in the skin, which also causes premature aging. We advise you to quit smoking as soon as possible and start using Lux-Factor 4D Hyaluron Anti-Wrinkle Creamwhich will renew, nourish and restore freshness to your skin when used regularly.


Alcohol is strongly inadvisable if you want to maintain a youthful look. It widens the veins and causes increased blood flow close to the surface of the skin, which in turn results in a red appearance of the skin. If you consume alcohol for too long, the blood vessels become permanently damaged, which is also visible on the skin of the face. The capillaries and veins become more prominent and the skin looks older. Reduce alcohol consumption and start using the Lux-Factor 4D Hyaluron Anti-Wrinkle Cream for a youthful skin look. It will visibly reduce expressive wrinkles, fill deep wrinkles, smooth thin lines and give you up to 80% younger looking skin.


Excessive sunbathing damages your skin and harms your health. Sunbathing causes collagen in the skin to break down faster, which in turn makes the skin to appear even older. The sun dries the skin, strips it of elastin and proteins and ages it. Using the Lux-Factor 4D Hyaluron Anti-Wrinkle Cream will prevent the effects of sunbathing from being visible and give your skin the care it needs.

Sleeping Pose

If you sleep in the same position all the time, wrinkles may start to form. Experts do not recommend sleeping on one side only or only on one's front. The position of the head is always the same and at some point the skin may begin to wrinkle. If you sleep on your side, you are much more likely to form wrinkles on your cleavage.

Important: Get Enough Sleep Every Night

A lack of sleep will make your skin age and wrinkle faster. To prevent this, you need to sleep eight to nine hours each night. For extra care and to prevent wrinkles, use Lux-Factor 4D Hyaluron Anti-Wrinkle Cream every night.

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